Hello and welcome to my blog!
This blog is very much a work in process to serve two important purposes: to create a web presence and to document what I'm learning and doing professionally.
I'm creating this blog using next.js as the pages are statically generated which allows search engines to more easily index my posts. It also gives me more of an opportunity to learn React!
I think I'll cut this post short for now as I'm still working on a deployment mechanism for this blog. I'd like to automate deployments with GitHub webhooks so that the blog will automatically deploy each time I push to it.
I know the site might be a little barebones for now. For now I'd like to focus on deploying quickly as much as possible--I can always work on making this place a bit more pretty later.
That's it for now, I'll document my experiences deploying and updating this place soon!
© Adam Rynczak.RSS