Adam Rynczak, deployment

Well, I'm still not too sure what will end up here, but I wanted to do a little work on it. I thought SSL was at least important so I set that up with Let's Encrypt and Certbot. It's quite nice that certbot has a cron service that automatically updates the certificate. I didn't notice that in the past but, now that I think of it, I don't remember being reminded to update my certifications either.

I also set up a GitHub webhook so my server is notified when the repo is updated and pm2 updates the server and redeploys the blog. It took a bit of time to get working but it allows me to update blog simply by pushing the code to GitHub, this will surely save me a lot of time--pretty nifty!

Next I'd like to spend a bit of time on the CSS of the blog. Ironically my lack of front end design/CSS skills was one of the biggest reasons I decided to work on a front end development bootcamp, but I've still mostly avoided working on the design aspects. Well, having my own site that I want to be pretty is plenty of motivation to work on that, so expect some visual improvements (or at least modifications) soon.

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